Thursday, April 14, 2011

Thursday Treasure - Goodwill Find

It's your resident thrifter checking in. I scored a deal at Goodwill last week and it will be used a TON during our warm weather days. As I've stated before, thrifting is one of my favorite pastimes. I love finding a deal on things I can utilize for years to come and this fits the bill perfectly! Notice the HUGE price I paid.

Here's my latest score...

Isn't it just darling?? I'm looking forward to serving mini desserts in these.

This will also be handy for condiments.

I'm very happy this Thursday evening.

Sheila Denise


  1. Please Miss TSE find a Kitchen-Aid for me. :-) Oh, sorry. Back to the post. This is too adorable! You are truly gifted!!

  2. I'd be happy to be on the lookout for a KA for you! Everything I know about thrifting, I learned from Big Brother.
